Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Sandhill Cranes, Raptors and Water Fowl 2025

Sandhill Cranes, Raptors and Water Fowl 2025
Last Day To Register
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The last date for registration has passed.

Instructor(s):   Jeff Babson

Where to Meet:   Northeast corner (right along Broadway) of Park Place Mall parking lot. Park Place Mall is between Craycroft and Wilmot on Broadway. We will load into vans here. If you get lost call Jeff at 488-8551.

What to Bring:   Bird field guides (if you have any), binoculars, sack lunch, water in a reusable bottle, notepad, pencil and cool weather clothes.

What to Expect:   Travel to Willcox playa with stops en route to observe birds and their behaviors.  Maximum travelling elevation is 4,200 feet, sometimes on dirt roads.  Program will operate rain or shine.

$105.00 per Adult-Member
$115.00 per Adult-Non Member
Cancellation Policy
If cancellation is made more than 15 days in advance, payments will be refunded minus a $25 administrative fee. No refunds can be made within 15 days.