Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Picacho Peak Wildflowers vs. Stinknet 2024

Picacho Peak Wildflowers vs. Stinknet 2024
Last Day To Register
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Where to Meet:    904 W. Grant Rd., on the NW corner of Grant and Fairview. We will leave cars here, then board vans to drive to Picacho Peak. There is a coffee shop at the meeting place, which might be open that morning. We will advise one week prior. For contact the morning of the trip, call/text 520-971-9335.
What to Bring:    Sack lunch, water in a reusable bottle, hat, walking stick (optional).
What to Expect:    We will learn to identify different flowers and understand drought strategies and resource competition for these colorful gems. Because this is also a service trip done in conjunction with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management, we will assist the Park staff in digging out stinknet, a newcomer invasive weed. Gloves and tools will be provided.

$5.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
The $5 will not be refundable, as it barely covers the transaction fee.